Legislative Update

WGWA Legislative Update, Week of 2/3/2025

From the Legislative Committee:

The Wyoming Game Wardens Association (WGWA) currently is working hard this winter with the 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session going full throttle, with many bills being brought forward, introduced, and moving rapidly or dying through the House and Senate.

The WGWA Legislative Committee has been very active tracking many files, bills and have been outspoken on namely one, Senate File 118, proposing transferable landowner licenses. Over the course of the legislative session, members have met with many NGO groups to discuss and collaborate through files and bills. Through that collaboration, the WGWA co-signed an opposition letter to Senate File 118. On Wednesday, Senator Pearson tabled the bill providing a huge win on behalf of the sportspeople of Wyoming.

Other news, Senate File (SF) 003, Mule Deer, White-tailed Deer separate hunting seasons died on the Senate floor in a 19-12 vote. House Bill (HB) 005, Fishing Outfitters continues to move through the House. HB186, Bear Coupons was heard before the House Agriculture Committee and passed with an amendment to remove black bears from the bill on a 5-4 vote. HB286, Mountain Lion season changes is being watched closely. HB211, Hunting Wildlife from vehicles continues to move through the house. Many other bills continue to be monitored.

Files and Bills have until February 7 to be introduced. Check back for continued updates on the status of files and bills that the WGWA monitors.

Mule deer photograph taken by Emmalee Raish.

January 7, 2025
Calling all Wyoming high school seniors!
By Elise Huysman January 7, 2025
Holiday Community Outreach: Wardens throughout the state participated in "Shop with a Cop" programs with local Police Departments and Sheriff's Offices.
September 13, 2024
A Retirement Well Deserved After Nearly 30 years of dedication to Wyoming’s wildlife, Director Brian Nesvik has decided to retire. Brian has been a member of the Wyoming Game Wardens Association since 1995. During his tenure with the association Brian served on the executive board as the vice president in 2006 -2008 and as the president in 2008-2010. In 2007 Brian was voted as the Shikar officer of the year and in 2008 was voted as the Wyoming game wardens association officer of the year. Both very well deserved awards for his dedication to the wildlife resource of Wyoming. The Wyoming wardens association wants to congratulate Brian on a long and very impactful career and thank him for his dedication to Wyoming’s Game wardens, the Wyoming Game Wardens Association and most importantly Wyoming’s wildlife.
August 30, 2024
August 2024 In August, Saratoga and North Laramie Wardens Levi Wood and Elise Huysman spent 3 days on the water training for their Swiftwater Rescue Technician certifications. During day to day patrol wardens rarely know what situations they may come across. WY Game Wardens take pride in being prepared to help coworkers, other first responders, and the public in dangerous and rapidly evolving situations whether in the water or on dry land.
By Lydia Chiu May 15, 2024
South Laramie, Medicine Bow and North Riverton all have new wardens, with more lateral transfers and promotions coming down the line. Keep an eye out for updates! Emmalee Raish is excited to be the new South Laramie Game Warden, patrolling the Snowy Range and southern Albany county as her first duty station. Connor Worthen has stepped into the Medicine Bow District as his first district and has been busy patrolling the Shirley basin and beyond. Zach Bernhardt has taken over the North Riverton district and similarly has been busy learning and patrolling his new area.
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